Just off the top of your head, can you list any differences between the following people?
Personally, I see a few differences. For example, 2 of the 3 people above:
1. have foregone the wearing of shirts
2. have probably done so because they have rockin’ bods
3. act in a hit TV series called Vampire Diaries
4. have screaming crowds of people camped outside their hotels.
I will also bet you five bucks that two of the above people did not eat a whole bowl of cookie dough with their 5-year-old yesterday (while still wearing their pajamas in the afternoon).
Yet, all three of us will be showing up this weekend in Paris at the Forum des Halles for the Welcome to Mystic Falls 2 convention. Which would be extremely funny, except for the fact that there will be someone else on my “team”…
…the New York Times bestselling author, Rachel Caine. Who is also wearing a shirt.
I am scheduled to interview on Sunday afternoon, just after Mr. Somerhalder steps down off the stage. And I’m going to try to do it in French. I feel it will provide the perfect comic relief to all of the hotness that precedes me onstage. (Luckily, there will be an interpreter handy in case I choke.)
Check out the convention, and the fact that you get to pay 200 euros less to meet me than you do for Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley. All you have to do is buy a book and walk up to my table to ask me to sign it. Which is a bargain, really! I’ll even take a picture with you. But I’m telling you now…the clothes stay ON.
18 Comments to Vampires Meet Revenants…in Paris
by BethDazzled - On May 21, 2012
This is AMAZING, Amy! Please meet Ian in person so I can vicariously melt through your telling of it.
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by Shannon Palmer - On May 21, 2012
That is awesome Amy, what I wouldn’t do to be on stage with 2 of the hottest vamps around, you are a lucky girl!!! To bad Vincent isn’t there he could probably give them a run for their money!!! 🙂
PS Until I Die is our book of the month in July over on Mysticallitlounge.com.
by Lori - On May 21, 2012
That sounds like a really fun convention. Oh, and if Ian happens to get shirtless at any point, please do get pictures for the rest of us 🙂
by Heidi - On May 21, 2012
Wonderful meeting you in Birmingham. The interview in Paris sounds fun. Enjoy!
by Ambur - On May 21, 2012
haha it’s pretty awesome that you’ll be on after Ian Somerhalder 😀 It’d be awesome if you took some pictures 😉 haha
Also, even though you don’t get paid to take your shirt off, I’m sure you will be amazing! haha
by Leanna - On May 21, 2012
This is SO COOL!
Take lots of pictures!! 😉
by Geraldine Frost - On May 21, 2012
Wow what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. How good to have not one but 2 great reasons to be at the convention. I’m sure Ian or Paul will come to your rescue if things go awry!!
PS: Taking your shirt off is sooo over rated!!! lol
by Kasey Tago - On May 21, 2012
by Sam - On May 21, 2012
Sounds amazing – you’ll rock it! 😀
by Olivia Snowdon - On May 21, 2012
OMG!! have a great time!! I use to love Vampire Dairies but now I’m more interested in Reverent’s and mystery’s! have a fab time!!
by Olivia Snowdon - On May 21, 2012
Which part of Edinburgh are you in fore you event? on the 27th of August? ( I might just ask for a trip up there for my birthday!! )
by Katie w/ Mundie Moms - On May 21, 2012
Just picture Jules there with you! *snickers* What a fun time! I wish I was there to listen to you!! Have a fabulous time
by Lori - On May 21, 2012
Hah hah! Seriously, someone should buy Paul some underwear. Have fun on Sunday. You’ll be great!
by Jayjay - On May 22, 2012
Now isn’t that awesome? 😉
by Lori Zimmerman - On May 24, 2012
Hi Amy, just found your books a few days ago……. I’ve finished them,lol, and am desperate for 3rd book. I have to say, I for sure thought this book would end with Katya saving her sister from evil Violette, she dies and no one knows if she comes back or not. Of course we all know she would, but what a great story exit.
Also I would very much like it if you and your staff were to brainstorm and come up with a visual cast for all the charactors, or if you have…..WHERE ARE THEY.
Have to admit that I’m not quite sure of my yum yum factor between Vincent or Julies
You dear lady are a master in story telly, TYTYTYTY
by amy - On May 25, 2012
Lori Zimmerman, Thank you so much for reading (and loving) my books! As for dream-cast members, see http://revenantscentral.blogspot.fr/p/amy-plum.html
and click on “characters”! (And MERCI for the compliments!)
Katie – I know…Jules would be a welcome addition!
Olivia – my Edinburgh events can be found on my “Events” page on this website. (But since I’ve only been to the city once YEARS ago, I’m not sure quite where these places are located.) Hope to see you there!
Shannon – thanks for featuring UNTIL I DIE as your book of the month!!
And all – yes, I will be taking photos with Ian and Paul on Saturday. I’ll be sure to post as soon as I get them!
by Tristin H. - On February 23, 2018
Hi there,
My name is Tristin and I’m personal assistant to Paul Wesley at his production company, Citizen Media.
I’m reaching out in regards to a fake photograph we’re attempting to remove from your website. The image has been heavily manipulated and is not actually a photo of Paul.
Our team would be incredibly appreciative if you could help us out by removing the photo from your website.
Thank you so much for your time and attention!
Kind regards,
Tristin H.
Assistant to Paul Wesley
Citizen Media
by amy - On February 23, 2018
Tristin – done!
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