Once in our Nashville hotel, Kim and I ordered dinner from room service and watched 40 Year Old Virgin until we passed out from road fatigue. Bright and early the next morning I dropped her off at the airport (yes, I cried – I hate saying goodbye to friends) and went back to the hotel to work. And late that afternoon I set off across Nashville to meet fellow authors Myra McEntire
and C.J. Redwine.
As I’ve said before, I have a purely online relationship with most YA authors, the fact being that most of them live in the U.S. and I live a kazillion miles away. Attending the RT Conference last month was a HUGE treat for me, because I got to meet all of these authors I already been chatting to on the internet but had never met in real life.
Well, let me tell you, Myra and C.J. turned out to be exactly what I had imagined from our Twitter chats: hilarious, super smart, and really friendly. In that kind of way that makes you want to cancel your plane ticket and stay a few extra days to hang out.
After chatting for a while, we headed over to Parnassus Books where we were met by the events manager, Nikki, who immediately asked Myra and me if we could interview with a BBC reporter who was doing a story on indie bookstores. We agreed, and the first thing Myra asked the guy was if he could get her a personal audience with Dr. Who. And then she mentioned something she wanted to do to him—like licking his forehead, if I remember correctly. (Dr. Who’s forehead, that is, not the reporter’s.)
The reporter blushed a bit, but looked like he might have heard that a few times before (or maybe he’s interviewed other YA authors and knows how weird we can be), and sat us down to tape. I had to say “cut” once, because I was blah-blah-blahing—something I do when I don’t have time to think of an answer. Which is fine at a dinner party, but not that great on camera.
And then we were led to a packed-out room equipped with 2 cushy chairs. (C.J. came to the event, but since her book DEFIANCE doesn’t come out until August, she sat in the audience and sent us positive author vibes.)
Myra and I introduced our books, read a section of our Book 2s (this was Myra’s first public reading of her 2nd book, TIMEPIECE), and then answered questions.
I couldn’t resist asking a couple of questions of my own. (I’m always interested in finding out whether other authors are plotters or pantsers).
Afterward, a few book bloggers accompanied us to to Cheesecake Factory, where I feasted on pure calories (mac & cheese, a pomegranate mojito, and coconut cheesecake) while chatting with Vania about her writing and Courtney Potter about her book-to-be, Faking Normal, which sounds AWESOME.
And then the next morning I waved goodbye to Nashville, hopped on a plane with my over-stuffed suitcase, and headed back to the land of baguettes and revenants!
Here is an account of the evening from Starting The Next Chapter.
And another from The Housework Can Wait.
5 Comments to Revenant Road Trip: Nashville Stop
by glass - On May 20, 2012
I wish I could have been there…:)
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by Lauren@The Housework Can Wait - On May 20, 2012
It was so great to meet you, and I loved everything you had to say! You and Myra were hilarious. You should tour together. It would be awesome.
I also think I just gained 2 pounds from reading your Cheesecake Factory order. That sounds so ridiculously good.
Thanks for mentioning my post!
by Natalia Belikov - On May 21, 2012
Whoa!! what a wonderful trip!
How I wish I could have been there to meet you along with Myra and C.J (Im cant wait for Defiance!!! OMG!)
Im glad oyu had a wonderful time in US =)
Have a safe trip back home!!
Oh, and btw, OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!! I LOVED UNTIL I DIE!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! *hyperventilating*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! OMG!! that ending!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_____________O!!!!!
What am I suppose to do now? sniff! another year to wait is such a torture sniff!! aaaaaaaah!! J’aime les Revenants forever and ever <3 <3 <3!!!! Until I Die ROCKS!!!!!