I can’t wait to meet my readers next week in Norway!
Here are the dates and times:
Oct 29, 2014 (15h30-16h30): Bergen. Meet-the-author and signing at Norli T7 bookstore, Torgallmenningen 7, Bergen.
Nov 1, 2014 (14h00-15h00): Oslo. Meet-the-author and signing at Cappelen Damm bookstore, Akersgata 47/4, Oslo.
I will be bringing treats from Paris, and will be ready to answer questions, sign (almost) anything you bring me, and generally do some hanging out with my readers. I hope to see you at one of the two events!
1 COMMENT to I’m coming to Norway!
by Astrid - On January 7, 2015
I was so sad when I saw that you were coming to Norway, or had been in Norway. I’m a huge fan of your books, but I was without internet until the day after you were in Oslo, so I dodn’t get to meet you.
I hope you will come to Norway again.
Sorry, for my bad english btw…
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