IF I SHOULD DIE blog tour

I can’t believe my FINAL blog tour for the DIE FOR ME series is starting! And Katie at Mundie Moms (one of my favorite bloggers) is organizing it.

What that means is that you can go to Mundie Moms’ website and see the list of sites who are hosting each day of the tour so that you can follow along. And on that page (link above) you can sign up to win THE GRAND PRIZE:

All three books of the series along with the limited edition* bookmarks!

The tour starts over at Fangirlish, with a guest post written by Jules about his favorite spot in Paris.

Day 2 is at The Story Siren, with an exclusive excerpt from IF I SHOULD DIE (where Mamie is talking to JB!)

And all of this book-touring is to celebrate the release of IF I SHOULD DIE (May 2 in UK, May 7 in US)!

If you have not ordered the book yet, you can now. Here it is on Indiebound, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, hardback on Book Depository (worldwide), paperback on Book Depository (worldwide), Amazon UK, and Indigo (Canada). I know I’m leaving places out, but my fingers are going to sleep.

And if it’s nice out where you live, walk to your nearest indie bookstore and buy a copy. That way you get exercise PLUS romance, action, thrills, death (okay, only 1 person you know ends up permanently dead)!!! (There was a spoiler here. It’s gone now. 🙂 )

I hope you love the book. I hope you love the tour. I hope you still love me when it’s all over and I’ve dealt out all of the HEAs I’m going to deal. (No, not everyone gets a happily-ever-after. This is not Hollywood.)

Thanks for following my blog tour. Enjoy!

*limited edition in this case just means I’m running out. 🙂

6 Comments to IF I SHOULD DIE blog tour

  1. by shelby von wahl - On April 24, 2013

    AAAAA! im sooo exited!

  2. by Mayken - On April 30, 2013

    What can I say? “I’ve read it” is probably the only way I can put it without giving anything away.
    I’m always wary of a “bad” (read unsatisfying) ending spoiling a good story, but fortunately that’s not the case. Like Die for Me, Until I Die and Die for Her, If I Should Die cost me one and a half sleepless nights I couldn’t really afford but which were definitely worth it. (No, Die for Her was actually only one sleepless night, but then, it’s a bit shorter than the others.)
    Living in Paris, what captured me in the first book were the pitch-perfect descriptions of locations and those little asides that a born and bred Parisian would never notice, from “renting” a café table to the fundamental difference between an American hug and a French cheek kiss.
    But soon the story drew me in and I didn’t mind when Paris references became more sparse as the story took up more space.
    Now I’ve finished, I want to get every one of my friends to read it too. And I want more. But I’ll try to get some sleep first.

  3. by Akshati - On May 1, 2013

    You wont believe how excited i am about this book! Conicidently My semester ends the 6th of may, just in time to wine down and read this book. If it released even a day earlier i fear i would have given more priority to the book and would not focus on the finals. I am also super excited that it will be my reward (best reward ever) after the finals, and you can be assured i will devour each word with love!
    -most excited human for this series to roam this earth <3

  4. by Amy Plum - On May 20, 2013

    Akshati, I hope you LOVED IF I SHOULD DIE and also hope you aced all of your finals! 🙂

  5. by Apple Olive - On June 1, 2013

    When is your book be available in Philippines?

  6. by Audrey Vela - On April 12, 2015

    I just finished reading this series after discovering it at my local library a few months ago. I LOVED the series soooo much!! It was a great read:)

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