Signed Bookplates!

Last year I ran an offer for signed bookplates, and people seemed to enjoy it so much that I feel like doing it again. If you haven’t already seen them, here they are. Aren’t they pretty? The drawings were done by Johanna Basford, the Scottish artist who drew the swirls on the cover of DIE FOR ME and UNTIL I DIE.

My gorgeous bookplates are produced by

And this is what it will look like inside your book:

The plates are my gifts to anyone who writes an Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble review for DIE FOR ME or UNTIL I DIE. Just send me an email to amy attt amy plum books dottt com (take out the extra “t”s, add appropriate punctuation, and squish everything together) telling me what your Amazon and/or B&N user name is and your mailing address, and I will send it to you.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to write a novel-unless you want to. Just a sentence is fine! And let me make this very clear – you can leave WHATEVER review you want. I am not buying positive reviews here. Just say what you thought of the book(s), and that’s good enough for me!

You can receive a total of 4 bookplates – two for the 2 books on Amazon and two for the 2 books on B&N (which means 2 for you and 2 for a friend if you wish), and the offer is international.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic support!

23 Comments to Signed Bookplates!

  1. by Hairproductjunkie - On September 13, 2012

    Awesome! I am sending this link to my sister-in-law, who I got hooked on your books as well. I am so happy that she can have some signed bookplates too! Thank you for being so sweet and generous, Amy!

  2. by Shelby von Wahl - On September 14, 2012

    thanks, it would be great though if you could have another giveaway for chapters/indigo reviews for us canadians

  3. by gabby - On September 14, 2012

    Does a person have to already own the books?

  4. by rosalie hobbs - On September 14, 2012

    Dear Amy,

    Hi, my name is Rosalie Hobbs I absolutely adore your books. I’m a 12 year old girl from Oahu who got her hands on the series over summer break. I experienced every pain in your writing from the heart break of losing Kate’s parents, to the soul crushing of losing her love Vincent. You’re phenomenon in paranormal romance with stories that are magically intoxicating! I swear one I’ll visit Pon Des Arts my self and all of Paris.

    – love a girl who loves literature

  5. by Rebecca Robertson - On September 14, 2012

    A dear friend of mine got me to read Die For ME i was very aprehensive in reading it to start with then i just couldnt put it down it was a briliant read. Once i finish it i couldnt wait for Until I Die to come out in May of this year. I have read that to in about 2 days and love it and im so looking forward to the next one to come out in May 2013, May cant come fast enough. Thanks Amy for being a brilliant writer and i look forward to reading more of your wonderful books in the future.

  6. by amy - On September 14, 2012

    Hairproductjunkie: thanks for passing that along to your SIL! 🙂 (Best compliment ever.)

    Shelby – I have agreed to let Canadians leave their review on Chapters/Indigo since I have been told that Amazon and B&N don’t work well for Canada.

    Gabby – no, you don’t have to own the books, but you do have to have read them to leave a review! 🙂

    Rosalie – oh how I love girls who love literature! I’m so glad you enjoyed the books this summer. Your being able to empathize with my main character means so much to me. Thanks for making me feel like a success! 🙂

    Rebecca – I am so glad that you enjoyed books 1 and 2, and hope you love book 3 just as much! Working on the next series for you! 😉

  7. by Jessie - On September 16, 2012

    Hi Amy! I just sent you an email with my Amazon and Barnes and Noble usernames and I was wondering how long will it take you to send it? And I was wondering if you got my email? Sorry 🙂 I’m just excited and VERY Stoked for the 3rd book and the book plates!! Mostly the Book!!!! 😀

  8. by @nnak - On September 16, 2012

    The bookplate design is very nice and eye catching. Me likes it.

  9. by amy - On September 16, 2012

    Jessie – I just sent your email to my assistant Kayla who is sending out all of the American/Canadian ones for me. So you will be getting an envelope from Idaho in around 1 week! Thanks so much for your reviews.

    And @nnak – thank you!

  10. by Rosalie Hobbs - On September 19, 2012

    Thank you so much Amy! Coming from you it means so much! 🙂

  11. by Jassie - On September 19, 2012

    Too bad I don’t have accounts on Amazon and B&N, and I don’t really do reviews 🙁 I really wanted those signed book plates like last year, my friend won last year :))

    BTW, I’ll just commend how great your book is! And yes, present tense, even I’m in our thesis writing since I’m hopefully graduating this acad. year, your book keeps me grounded, I had read and still rereading it until now (I just re-finished it awhile ago).

    I love your idea of using the revenants: bardia and numa, which is very fascinating and wants me to learn them too! The paranormal romance which is not sickly sweet and humor in it that does not just keep the readers be overwhelmed with TMI about one scene to the next. The gripping twist that makes me engrossed more. Then, Until I Die’s ending… (I shall not spoil…) I love the flow of the story, as if it is being read in a way which is not boring. It really is a book which haunts (in a good way) to be reread again (which I will in-between and after my thesis writing).

    P.S. I was shocked about Jean-Baptiste & Gaspard. That was definitely is a book-stopper, yeah, I was caught of guard and had reread the dialogue O.O Jules and Ambrose’s humor are what I am also looking forward aside from the ‘love conquers all’ story of Kate and Vincent 🙂
    I hope it’s already 2013, a lil more patience…

    Thank you for this awesome book, Amy!

  12. by Jassie - On September 19, 2012

    *I must correct myself: “books are” 🙂

  13. by amy - On September 24, 2012

    Jassie, thank you for the mountain of compliments. I am so glad you enjoyed the books so much, and hope that Book 3 lives up to your expectations! I love my characters so much, and don’t feel like I manipulate their identities – they show me who they are. So I was just as surprised as you (and completely enchanted) when I realized near the beginning of book 1 that they were a couple. And I’m glad you like Jules’s and Ambrose’s sense of humor. They make me laugh too! 🙂

    Again – thanks for your enthusiasm. It’s readers like you who make my job so enjoyable!

  14. by Abigail - On September 26, 2012

    Amy i fell in love with the world you created. i also want to be an author in the process of writing im 18 what advice do you have for me?

  15. by Natalia Belikov - On September 28, 2012

    Thank you so much for giving away bookplates!! kyaaaaa!! My copy of Until I Die will look gorgeous! Im SO happy! thank you so much! =DDD
    Emailing you asap =DDDDD

  16. by Jessie - On October 3, 2012

    Ahh thank you so much for sending the bookplates!! I got mine today!

  17. by Siiri - On October 6, 2012

    Hey, I was just wondering. I got my copy today (YAYYYYY!!!!) and I haven’t read it yet, so I don’t want to post a review right away, because it won’t be that informative, but I just wanted to ask if this is like umm.. do I have to send you an email before a certain date or something? Or can I read it in peace and then, after posting a review on Amazon and B&N, receive this BEAUTIFUL bookplate? Thanks for sharing these, though, for us, INTL peeps, it’s really, really precious and important, because most likely we won’t be able to go to any signings ‘n stuff, so this literally means the world to us!

    P.S. The cover for Until I Die is absolutely stunning and I can’t wait to devour this book 😉

  18. by amy - On October 7, 2012

    Abigail – the best advice I can give you is read a lot and write a lot. The more you write the better you will get at it and the day you get a really good story idea, your writing muscles will be in good enough shape to do justice to it! 🙂

    Natalia and Jessie – you’re welcome!

    Siiri – I have enough bookplates left that I will definitely be able to keep the offer open for a few more months. So take your time, enjoy the book, and send me an email once you’re ready!

  19. by Nancy - On October 11, 2012

    I got my bookplates in the mail today, thank you so much they are absolutely gorgeous! And i have to say they look great in my books :o)

  20. by Sarah - On January 3, 2013

    Such a talented writer! Completely captivated my heart and soul. These book plates are lovely as well!

  21. by Raad - On February 20, 2013

    I’ve just sent an e-mail to Is this the correct e-mail?

  22. by Ashlie Baire - On April 3, 2013

    Just sent my email…only for 2 reviews tho. B&N was being weird and didn’t have a post review section for “Until I Die”, and amazon was being mean and wouldn’t let me review, cause I haven’t bought anything yet :/ Anywho…thanks for all these giveaways! It’s i’m letting my friends know!!

  23. by Hai - On April 8, 2013

    If you’d like to be experimental with mixed colored tiles, you can put them in a towel then whack them with a hammer. Now that more and more books are being written for vamps, another long time love, I am totally enjoying the new crop of writers who have vamps and magicians as their heroes. I am pretty sure you must have heard of the wonders of bottle cap crafts.

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