Plummy Updates – the one with the boat party

A few tidbits to catch you up on DIE FOR ME trilogy goings-on!

For my Irish friends: I will be doing an informal signing at Eason O’Connell Street on Wed. July 25 from 3-4pm. Stop by to say “hi” and get your books signed!

Next, I gave Yara of Once Upon a Twilight an exclusive Vincent POV piece that I wrote just before starting on UNTIL I DIE. It’s part of her 50 Shades of YA Boys contest. I also included a secret about Vincent that NOBODY KNOWS…and which won’t be addressed in Book 3. So be sure to take a look!

Also, catch my mini-interview with Kristi Belcamino, a mystery writer who has the same agent as me! (Hurray for Stacey Glick!)

I am once again participating in the YA Scavenger Hunt (taking place in August). Check out the details and teams here!

And because a blog post without photos is a sad sad thing, I’m going to start giving you pictures from my new life in Paris now that I’ve moved from the French countryside and am living here full-time. (If you follow me on Twitter, you already get regular Paris photos.)

From a party I went to last night on a boat on the Seine (they are called “les péniches“) parked right across from Notre Dame:

All of the boys had tragically hip beards, and I tried SO HARD to get you a photo of this guy’s outfit: shorts and a double-breasted suit jacket with shiny buttons.

I am totally putting this outfit on a character in my next book.

Here’s me being amused by all of the beards and hipness.

A shot of the inside of the boat…and most importantly…

the platter of macarons. And let me tell you…the pistachio flavored ones were DIVINE. I hope you enjoyed joining me at that little boat party on the Seine. More Paris events and photos to come. But first…

*runs for airport* *jumps on plane* *flies to Ireland*

4 Comments to Plummy Updates – the one with the boat party

  1. by Olivia Snowdon - On July 20, 2012

    It looked like fun!! and what was that dude wearing!? 🙂

  2. by June - On July 21, 2012

    Hey! What happened to the country house? The renovations? Have you given up on it?! I do look forward to your Paris updates, though 🙂


  3. by Lydia L. - On July 21, 2012

    Looks like someone was having a great time! Enjoy your flight and I can’t wait for more updates!

  4. by amy - On July 22, 2012

    June…life has changed dramatically. I have given up on the country house, and am enjoying being in Paris full-time.

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