Author event at Foyles Charing Cross

I am quickly posting these photos of last night’s event at Foyles, because I have 10 minutes before I have to go jump on a train. But i’lltellyouaboutitreallyquickly…

The event was organized by my amazing publishers at Little, Brown/Atom along with Neil Jackson of Foyles, who had EVERYTHING SET UP PERFECTLY (down to the invisible stage mics and signing pens awaiting us near stacks of our books). You don’t know how much the “little things” matter at one of these events – it made the whole thing go really smoothly.

A big MERCI to Atom (Sam, Maddy, Rose & Kate) and Neil!

On the eve of UNTIL I DIE’s U.K. book birthday (HURRAY!!!), I was joined by the wonderful authors CJ Daugherty, Ruth Warburton and Sara Grant. We were given a few minutes ahead of the event to get to know each other in the Green Room. Which was kind of a problem. Because the more we chatted the more I wanted to chat, and before we knew it Neil was announcing that the event was starting! (More chat time later, girls!)

Hanging out in Foyles's Green Room with Ruth Warburton, CJ Daugherty and Sara Grant. Photo: @ninadouglas

We arrived into the event room to find the front few rows FILLED WITH BLOGGERS. @Serendipity_Viv, @BbookLbook, @chooseYA, @darkreaders, @raimy_rawr, @sisterspooky, @DistrictYA, were all there (Bungle…where were you?) I felt like I was in the presence of greatness with all of these fantastic readers/bloggers/all around amazing people lining the front rows and smiling encouragingly at us, as well as lovely readers like @flutterbyroom.

Bloggers getting restless with the wait decide to warm our seats for us. Photo @Serendipity_Viv

Being introduced by the amazing Neil Jackson @devilslibrary (who organized the event). Photo @foyles

I gave the audience a choice between a reading of a steamy make-out scene and the Paris opera scene, and guess which one they chose? (I think they were just having mercy on me, preventing me from turning bright red while reading…which I do during kissing scenes. I know…sad.)

Me reading the Opera Scene from UID (with Sara Grant doing her "interested" look.) Photo @darkreaders

The audience pitched in with some great questions during the Q&A, and we authors all said afterwards what a great crowd and fun event it had been. So THANK YOU ALL for an all-around an amazing evening – one I hope to repeat!

And now…au revoir London. Bonjour Paris!

Here’s Atom’s post about the event.

Catch Big Book Little Book’s account of the evening here.

And here is Serendipity Review’s version

And yet another from Sister Spooky!

1 COMMENT to Author event at Foyles Charing Cross


  1. Event Post: Creative Voices @ Foyles May 2nd 2012 | Sisterspooky

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