Monthly Archives: August 2011

Amy Plum’s Daily Devoirs: The Love Dev

Tell someone that you love them. (Someone you love, of course!) How do they respond first? With voice, touch, or facial expression? If on the phone, does their voice change after you tell them? How? Take their reaction to heart, cherish it, and then run quickly to write it down.

What’s a Dev? Find out here!


Amy Plum’s Daily Devoirs (A Project in Creativity)

What’s a Devoir, you ask? Any French kid would tell you it means “homework,” although the literal meaning is “duty”. But don’t let that scare you. These Daily Devoirs are anything but work. Think of them as candy for your brain.

What’s the reason for the Daily Devoir?
I wanted to find a new way to help young aspiring writers who ask me for advice. And once I began writing the Devoirs, I realized that anyone might have fun doing them. So young or old, writer or non-writer, everyone is welcome to join in!

How to do your Daily Devoir: READ MORE…


The Love of Your Life

A couple of people recently asked me the same question, so I thought I would bring it up here on the blog. The question:

Does Vincent love Kate more than Hélène? READ MORE…
