Excitement Overload!

Three amazing things have happened in the DIE FOR ME universe during the last twenty-four hours.

Amazing Thing #1: Target will be selling DIE FOR ME. TARGET! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t even imagine walking into Target and wandering up to the books section and seeing our lovely Kate looking out over the rooftops of Paris. I think that if I did, my head might explode. So it’s a good thing they don’t have Target in France.

Amazing Thing #2: DIE FOR ME received a starred review in the May issue of School Library Journal. STARRED! HOLY COW! I feel like I just won an Academy Award. Where’s my dress? Where’s my speech?

This is what they said:
*PLUM, Amy. Die for Me. Gr 9 Up-
One might think that it’s hard to find anything fresh and new in paranormal romance, that it has all been done. But Plum has succeeded. Revenants are undead who have died and been awakened, or reanimated, and they are immortal. They are not ghosts and would rather not be referred to as zombies. They also tend to be extremely good-looking, and each time they die, which happens frequently since their mission is to save humans, their age is halted once again so they also tend to be fairly young, in a manner of speaking. Kate Mercier, 16, and her 18-year-old sister have just lost their parents in a car accident and moved from Brooklyn to Paris to live with their grandparents, whom they have spent summers with since they were very young. Kate meets a young man and her breath is taken away by the feelings he evokes within her. It so happens that Vincent died for the first time in 1940, and he has been dying and saving lives ever since. Just as they are beginning their relationship, they discover that the numa, the evil revenants, are plotting an attack on the good revenants of Paris, and Lucien, their evil leader, just happens to be Kate’s sister’s new boyfriend. Action and drama abound. Plum has done an excellent job of setting up the rules for her creations and following them closely. Fans of this genre will have their appetites reignited by this new addition.-Genevieve Gallagher, Charlottesville High School, VA

And if that weren’t enough to have me hopping around doing a happy dance, I just got word of…

Amazing Thing #3: DIE FOR ME was named to the Summer 2011 Indie Next list! This is where independent booksellers nominate books and then vote. 54 titles were chosen for “Inspired Recommendations for Kids from Indie Booksellers” and DIE FOR ME IS ONE OF THEM.

I don’t even know what to say. I am amazed. Gobsmacked. And truly truly grateful.

19 Comments to Excitement Overload!

  1. by Valia - On April 26, 2011

    Congrats Amy!!!! That’s so absolutely awesome!!! You totally deserve it!!! Die for Me is an outstanding book and you’re a wonderful writer!!! Woot woot on all the awesomeness!!! 🙂

  2. by June - On April 26, 2011

    Hot Damn, girl! I can’t wait to walk into a Target and see Die For Me. I bet it’ll be in Walmart too. This is so cool and I’m so happy for you, Amy. Your hard work is paying off. Many congrats to you.

  3. by Claudia - On April 26, 2011

    Amazing that it’s all happening in the last 24 hours, but truly unsurprising and well deserved. Congrats!!

  4. by Leanna - On April 26, 2011

    Oooh, it’s all happening!

    I knew this book would be huge! You deserve all your success, Amy! 🙂 Those Revenants are something just a bit special! (especially Vincent!) 😉

  5. by amy - On April 26, 2011

    Thank you all SO much. I would like to dedicate this award to…YOU!!!! Everyone’s been so supportive and encouraging, and I thank all of you for believing in DIE FOR ME. (Especially Vincent, Leanna!)

    Thank you, friends!!!

  6. by BethDazzled - On April 26, 2011

    I am speechless, Amy. Have you had to refit all the doors in your house to fit your new celebrity author sized head yet? 🙂

  7. by amy - On April 26, 2011

    Honestly, Beth. I still don’t know what’s hit me!

  8. by Judith - On April 26, 2011

    It’s all so amazing and exciting for you and I’m so impressed! And so happy for you!

  9. by amy - On April 27, 2011

    Thanks so much, Judith!

  10. by Michelle A - On April 27, 2011

    Congratulations!!! * whispers* well the book is awesome!!!, the characters beautiful, the scenery divine, the story original..yep ! I can see why those 3 amazing things happened:D


  11. by Lori Ann - On April 27, 2011

    Fantastic news! So happy for you, Amy!

  12. by Alice - On April 27, 2011

    So very happy for you, Amy — and like so many others have said, all this amazingness is extremely well deserved! You have worked so hard for it. Dreams really CAN come true when you work hard for them! And believe in them, as you always have. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer person. I only wish I’ll have the opportunity to meet you in person myself, FINALLY, one of these days… I should go for a road trip to the Loire Valley — you’re really not THAT far away from me! Now I just have to get my hands on a copy of your book myself, hopefully while in the U.S. in May-June!

  13. by Kathrin - On April 27, 2011

    WOW! This is like a Domino-Effect…all these good things happening! I know there is much more to come. It’s going to be sooo huge, Amy! Be proud of yourself. You work for it and you deserve every little bit of success that is coming your way.
    I bet all of us would love to meet you in person one day!

    10th May.. Target here I come :))

  14. by Etienne - On April 28, 2011

    Fantastique!What is the look on the rest of the family’s faces when they look at you running around the courtyard each time you get crazy good news?…
    …And I just noticed the new website illustration, things are getting more intense by the day!

  15. by BethDazzled - On April 30, 2011

    D4M is really giving my out-on-sub ms a complex. “Does Stacey expect all this from me too?! There’s no way I’m getting a Stephenie Meyer comparison. All my dead people stay that way.” I have to talk it down every time I read your blog. 😛

  16. by Elena M - On May 7, 2011

    Amy!!!! Congrats!!! I keep checking Amazon every day hoping they’ll send me your book earlier 🙂 But Target news is just mind blowing, I am going to snap a picture of your book on the Target book shelf for you 🙂

  17. by Penelope - On May 7, 2011

    Wow, that’s exciting news! (And it is making me that much more excited to read Die For Me.) Congratulations!! 🙂

  18. by Elisa - On May 23, 2011

    Best book I have ever read!!!!!!!! I hope these events will encourage a second book!!! I would pay anything for a second one!!

  19. by amy - On May 23, 2011

    Thank you everyone!!! And Elisa, there will be a second book (UNTIL I DIE, 2012) – and even a third!

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